VirtuTea Update


Just wanted to add an update. We are still going strong, but due to the constraints of a full-time job, there is limited work that can be done to get this business moving in the forward direction. Right now it is just about experimentation, experimentation, and even more experimentation.

Trying a new pasteurization/sterilization method for the substrate after too many contamination concerns with just a pasteurization method. I am very happy with the results, and currently batting a 100% on my substrate bins. This is great considering I only had about a 50% success rate recently using only pasteurization with the green biobags. This method does require a bag investment since it utilizes a larger unicorn bag than what I am currently using with my grain spawn. I bought a few from Amazon for testing, but now it is time to bite the bullet and order a large box directly from the manufacturer. They only deal with large orders, so it is quite an investment.

I have added two new subspecies to my offerings, and now offer five different cube varieties. Three wild-harvested subspecies sourced from a friend down south and now two “new” subspecies sourced from a mushroom company out-of-state. I will start using in-state companies when sourcing my spores since they seem to be pretty good around here.

  • APE (albino penis envy): This is my favorite sub-species. It is like the sativa version of the cube. Great high with a stimulating effect. This is great for micro-dosing and just general consumption.
  • Zilla: Tested the highest at the cup and my brother’s favorite. He loves the visuals these mushrooms provide, and the indica-like effects. Very chill and trippy mushroom.
  • Cher (Cherokee): This is a pretty typical cube, very similar to my “new” offering the GTs. I still need to experiment with these, but I heard from others that they are pretty good. They tested the lowest from the Psy Cup, sub .60% psilocybin.
  • *New* GTs (golden teachers): These are the tried and true cube. If you have ever taken cubes, chances are these are the ones. Still working on getting a successful fruit from these mushrooms, and will test once that happens. The mycelium seems to be very willowy and wispy. Not the strong hyphae like APE or Zilla. Since this cube is so popular, it may just not be as strong growing as some of the other, less-popular subspecies.
  • *New* Ecuador: These grow very well. Strong and tall. Getting some great fruits, and testing still needs to be done. These are my growing partners favorite cubes for ease of growth and overall effects.

I have spores of two other varieties that I will be playing with in the future. I will post those once they start popping.

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